Stunning Tropical White Sand Beachfront @ Upper El Nido

El Nido

Property Details:
Address: Teneguiban, El Nido, Palawan
Price: Php 3,675,000
Category: Beach Properties
Lot Size: 3621

Property Description:
One of the best beachfront property locations at upper El Nido. It has a beautiful white sand beach frontage of 25.25 meters with road access at the back and stunning views of both Daracoton and Brother Islands from the shore and the surf is friendly. The floor of the water is mostly soft white sand which is ideal for water sports and family activities.

The property is flat with a hill at the back leading up to the road. There is a school nearby and the Barangay proper is close where supplies can be bought and sold. There is good source of water found in the property.

This titled beach property is a good investment in El Nido, an ideal environment for a splendid resort experience. The whole area is destined to become the new El Nido with its own unique natural tourism attractions.

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