Angela Apartments

Basic Information

M.H. del Pilar St., Malate, Manila, Philippines 1013
A Little Bit of History Repeating
Built in the 1930’s by renowned architect Fernando Ocampo

The Angela Apartments was among the first multi-story residential buildings that raised Manila’s skyline during the Commonwealth Period.

It remains today as one of the few surviving examples of the Art-Deco style of architecture in pre-war Manila.

Prior to World War II, Manila was the pearl of the orient. The Angela Apartments were a part of that.

Today, almost all of what was Manila’s former glory was lost.

The few buildings that survived from that era are, for the most part, in a state of total disrepair.

The Angela Apartments will be restored to its former glory and yet imbued with a new life that is sure to add value to contemporary Manila, while preserving what little remains of its heritage.

"By all accounts, it (the Angela Apartments) is one of Manila’s heritage buildings… a building of pedigree… and deserves to reclaim its heritage status."
- Architect Augusto Villalon

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